To the Old Horse... I See You.

To the old horse… I See You.

I see the grey hair getting a little more grey with time.

I’ve seen you slow down over the years.

I see that your joints are a bit more stiff in the cold weather.

I see that your back sways a little bit more.

I see that you no longer want to work like you used to.

I see that you need more feed to support your fading teeth.

That’s what everyone else sees but.. I see way beyond that.. I see more:

I see my first horse, the one that started it all for me.

I see the horse that let me ride as much as I wanted too as a kid.

I see the horse that let me accomplish many goals and sparked many dreams.

I see the horse that showed me what my passion is in life.

I see the horse that helped me fly when I felt like I was falling.

I see my younger self in him.

Kelly O'Connor