19 Things I Learned In 2019

I learned a lot this year some good and some bad but all of it helped me grow into the person that I am today. So, here are 19 things I learned in 2019.

  1. Be unapologetically you. Do not change who you are to fit in with certain people.

  2. Hate is strong but love is powerful.

  3. Exercise. Not for vanity but for sanity.

  4. Do not have expectations, have standards.

  5. There is always room to grow.

  6. Do not compare your journey to someone else’s.

  7. If you love someone tell them and show them.

  8. Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes you find out that reason and sometimes you don’t.

  9. Ask yourself often “Is it worth it?'“ Interpret that however you want.

  10. It is okay to fail but keep moving, fail forward.

  11. Time is everyones most valuable resource.

  12. Don’t make assumptions.

  13. Be committed to the things I love and disciplined for the things I don’t.

  14. Broken is beautiful because you get to put the pieces back the way you want them.

  15. Gratitude is life changing.

  16. Don’t take everything personally.

  17. You won’t always get the closure you think you deserve.

  18. You can only control your thoughts and reactions not other peoples.

  19. Self love is essential.

Kelly O'Connor